
Guided tours to the ceramic workshop for groups have resumed

9 March 2022

A few days after the official start of spring, in Faenza there are sunny and cool days, ideal for walking in the countryside as in the city.

Our work as potters continues as usual in the laboratory: we always decorate, with good and bad weather! But as the summer approaches, it happens more frequently to receive visits from groups interested in our ceramic production and “behind the scenes”, that is, how the decoration on majolica takes place.

Faenza majolica decorated in the Raphaelesque style

The owners and potters of La Vecchia Faenza are always available to conduct a group guided tour of the laboratory, to discover the ancient decorative technique of Faenza ceramics. Visits are always free and without obligation, reservations are recommended.

If you need an excuse to come to Faenza, we would like to point out 3 things to see in Faenza in one day, in addition to the following interesting appointments.

Visit the renovated Municipal Art Gallery

municipal art gallery faenza 2022

In December 2021 the Municipal Art Gallery of Faenza reopened to the public after a prestigious intervention of rearrangement and redefinition of the exhibition spaces. The Pinacoteca now presents a new exhibition itinerary which, starting with the masterpieces of the 13th and 14th centuries and passing through the treasures of the Renaissance and subsequent centuries, leads up to the luminous period of the 20th century in Faenza and the Baccarinian cenacle.

Reservations required: more information on the website of the Municipal Art Gallery.

Explore the “Gioia di Ber” exhibition: 200 wine and water ceramics

Gioia di ber - exhibition at mic faenza 2022

There is time until April 30, 2022 to visit the exhibition of the International Museum of Ceramics “Gioia di Ber“: an exhibition of about 200 wine and water ceramics in a path that goes from classical Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiquity to contemporary design.

More information on the MIC Faenza website.

Mark your calendar Buongiorno Ceramica! 2022

Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May 2022 Buongiorno Ceramica! returns, the widespread celebration of Italian Ceramics: two days of events and initiatives to discover Italian artistic and artisan ceramics, between ancient Faenza traditions and contemporary sensibilities.

Come back to our website or follow us on Facebook to receive updates on Buongiorno Ceramica! 2022.



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